If you’ve had a chance to step outside of your Edmonton independent or assisted living community, you will immediately feel like winter is already here. As spending longer periods of time outdoors is not recommended for seniors, especially those with underlying health conditions, you might be looking for new ways to spend your time inside. Whether you are new to Garneau Hall or have been here for a while, there are always new ways you can enjoy yourself.

Here are some indoor Holiday activities to do at an Edmonton independent or assisted living community:

Watch a Christmas movie

Ever since December began, you have probably been seeing Christmas movies playing all around you. Whether it’s on your own TV, common areas around the Edmonton independent or assisted living community, or even ads on YouTube, you might have some news on what the latest movies are. A great way to spend your time during the Holidays is to watch a Christmas movie either by yourself, or with friends and family.

Do some Holiday arts and crafts

To help you get into the spirit of the Holidays and keep you busy indoors when temperatures and weather conditions are slowly getting colder, try your hand at some arts and crafts that can be done from the comfort of the Edmonton retirement community. You can do some nifty things through the help of the internet such as do-it-yourself (DIY) videos. If you find something that other residents could enjoy making, feel free to suggest it to the recreation coordinator and see if it can be the next recreation activity you do as a group.

Decorate your retirement suite 

One of the easiest ways to help make it feel like Christmas is near is by decorating your suite at the Edmonton independent or assisted living community. One of the most popular things you can do to make it feel like Christmas instantly is by setting up a Christmas tree and lighting it up from time to time. You could also put a wreath at your door so other residents, especially your neighbours will know that you are ready for the Holiday season. 

Indulge in Holiday snacks and beverages

Although meals at Garneau Hall are provided to you, it’s never a bad idea to make use of the kitchen or kitchenette in your suite to make some Holiday snacks and/or beverages. You can even choose to do this with a friend or two who also want to try some Holiday-inspired treats. You can try baking some shortbread cookies, making candy-cane topped hot chocolates, an alcoholic beverage that’s Christmas themed, and eggnog creme brûlée.  

Spread some Christmas cheer

There are numerous ways you can spread Christmas cheer at your Edmonton independent or assisted living community this Holiday season. Gather a few other residents and brush up your singing skills for some Christmas carols you can sing in a common area within the community. If you want to do something a little more personal, you can try making some hand-made Christmas cards you can give to your friends, family members, or other residents and staff at Garneau Hall.

If you’re looking for a seniors retirement community in Edmonton that offers a variety of recreational activities, Garneau Hall is here for you. Feel free to contact us to inquire if we offer assisted living services at this VRS location. Call 780.433.3177 or click here to book a tour at Edmonton’s warm and friendly independent seniors community.